Academic Support

The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) is a program for students who have been professionally diagnosed with a specific learning disability (such as ADD, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, Dyslexia, or processing difficulties). The goal of this program is to teach students the necessary skills to succeed academically at Bishop Brossart High School. The program is fully inclusive. The student participates in the program for one of the seven periods as an elective, and receives a letter grade in the class.
Peer Tutoring
Peer tutoring is offered to BBHS students and it is typically arranged through the Dean of Academics. Peer tutoring is an intervention option for students, struggling with a particular subject area, who need more than occasional visits with the classroom teacher. Peer tutoring is a successful method of helping these students, and in return, it provides our tutors with either volunteer service hours or supplemental income.
Study Table
Any student who is on campus but not participating in a supervised activity between 2:15 and 3:30 should report to Study Table which is usually held in the Library. Students at Study Table are required to sign in and out. Students planning on attending Study Table should check with the Study Table monitor by 2:30. Study Table provides a safe place for students that are waiting for rides, practice, receiving peer tutoring, making up a quiz/test, etc.