"Charity First"


General Memorial Donations

Please contact Christie Schroder or Kristin Calme at 859-635-2108. You may also email kcalme@bishopbrossart.org.

Munninghoff Family Performing Arts Center – Seat Sponsorship

With a gift of $250, your name will be engraved on the seat.  Names will remain on the seats until a major renovation of the performing arts center is needed.  The money donated will go towards the cost of upkeep of the center and the BBHS Educational Endowment Fund.  Please call (859) 635-2108 for more information.

Mustang Athletic Complex – Tree Memorial

With a gift of $500, a memorial stone can be purchased, engraved, and displayed at one of the trees at the MAC.  Please call (859) 635-2108 for more information.