Junior Year Timeline
- There will be a junior class meeting with the Principal, Dean of Academics, Dean of Students, and the College and Career Counselors to discuss expectations for the school year
- Students should verify their class schedules for accuracy - know what courses are needed for graduation
- Visit the College and Career Counseling Office and meet with your counselor
- Develop good study skills
- Get involved with activities, clubs, and organizations. Choose activities that you enjoy!
- When you apply to college or for jobs, potential schools and employers look for a person who is “wellrounded” and someone who is not afraid to get involved
- Students who are experiencing difficulties with and of their academics should reach out to the Dean of Academics and the College and Career Counseling Office
- Attend College Fairs and visit college websites to learn as much as you can about different colleges
- Register for the next ACT or SAT
- Prepare to take the PSAT in October you may qualify to earn National Merit Scholarships
- Students should review their study habits and work to improve in the areas that need attention
- PSAT test – October 14, 2015
- End of first quarter - October 16, 2015
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 29, 2015
- Register for the next ACT or SAT
- Parent/Teacher Conferences - November 6, 2015
- Thanksgiving Break – November 26-27, 2015
- End of second quarter – December 18, 2015
- Prepare of end of semester exams
- Continue researching colleges
- Students should focus on proper time management and study habits
- College Admissions Counselors will visit in the spring – watch for dates to be posted and sign up in Mrs. Steffen’s office
- Students who are experiencing difficulties with and of their academics should reach out to the Dean of Academics and the College and Career Counseling Office
- Begin planning your senior year schedule
- If ROTC or the U.S. Military Academies are in your future you need to begin this process in the spring of your junior year visit us in the College and Career Counseling office for additional information
- The counselor will meet with students to begin the course selection process for senior year
- End of third quarter - March 11, 2016
- Easter Break - March 24, 25 and 28, 2016
- Spring Break - April 4-8, 2016
- Begin narrowing your college choices (3-6)
- Email colleges requesting admissions materials, financial aid and scholarship information.
- Check deadlines - this is critical when applying for scholarships
- End of fourth quarter - May 26, 2016
- Students enrolled in an Advanced Placement course should verify the course requirements with their teacher
- Prepare for end of year exams - May 24-26, 2016
June - August
- Students should complete their summer reading and assignments
- Consider working or volunteering in their community
- Decide where you are applying to college
- Continue discussing college and career interests - take time to utilize the students Career Cruising portal through the mykheaa.com account