Bishop Brossart High School is pleased to announce the following winners
of the Dorothy Muehlenkamp Memorial Scholarship for the school
year of 2020-21. All the winners are incoming freshmen to BBHS.
EVAN CALLAHAN, Sts. Peter & Paul Parish
RYLAND HEIM, St. Mary Parish
JORDYN JONES, St. Philip Parish
LEAH MALAY, St. Joseph Parish
AVA RITTER, St. Mary Parish
BAILEY RITTER, St. Joseph Parish
DANIEL SCHMIDT, Sts. Peter & Paul Parish
MOLLY WEHUES, St. Phiip Parish
BRANDON UEBEL, St. Joseph Parish
Each winner will receive a $1,000.00 tuition assistance award. The criteria
for the award included; 1) service to church, school or community,
and 2) participation in extra-curricular activities.